Saturday, September 12, 2009

Let's just say it was a busy day..

Merrill came home yesterday.. and that isn't even the beginning or the biggest part of my day yesterday..

Got up, got the girls off to school, Lynn to the elementary, Ash to the pre-school.

Talked to Merrill on the phone (he was in San Fransisco) I was on my way to our first PTA meeting.

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Then we ran to get Ash, who brought Freddy with her, ran a few errands, took Peyton to the doctor for her follow-up. She got her cast cut off (didn't like it, she was very protective of her cast..) and had x-rays taken again. Ash loved the whole process, she is so like me. She even picked out a new color for the new cast only to have Dr. Cardon tell me she didn't need one!?

I took a peek at both x-rays (old and new) while I was waiting for him. I could still see that small bump where the buckle was, but saw other things that I wasn't sure of.

Turns out, she has over 50% new bone growth, and is healing faster than he expected. She has a brace he made for her (that I can remove for baths THANK HEAVENS!!) and she needs to wear it for 10-14 days. I think I will go with the 14, and then wrap her im bubble wrap.

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Our bodies are so amazing, and they way they heal themselves is incredible!! Had it been me who sustained that injury, my bone would have snapped, not buckled. At this point, two weeks later, my bone would still look just as bad as it did on day one.

I guess I should say that youth is awesome too. :)

We picked up some lunch, tidied up the house, and I worked on some projects.. hopefully I will finish them up today.

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Ash is now some sort of superhero..

We got Lynn, had to get her all ready for her performance before we went to get Merrill, we would have to drive straight to the game after the airport..

We left and booked it to the airport. Two of the three children fell asleep on the way there. Guess which two..

Peyton cried for her "gink" or binky most of the way.

I debated whether or not to do the drive by and pick up, or park, and go in to pick up. I missed the lot, and decided to take the loop around. I was early..

I didn't even factor in parking and hauling three small children inside to the baggage claim area.. Merrill was trying to call me, as I am trying to get everyone there, and fast, a baby on one hip, my camera in the other hand and trying to get my cell out of my back pocket.. I hung up on him.


We were running, and I could see all of them heading out to the pick-up area, and I finally got through to his cell. Peyton saw him before any of us did. She was giggling, "Dada..."

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It was kind of fun to play with him and tell him we could see him. He couldn't see us for a few minutes. Then Lynn broke into a run towards him, jumped up and wrapped her legs around him..

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It was great, I think we put on a good show for the folks at the airport last night.

He gave Peyton a bear that he found in Victoria, that is also the bear's name now. The girls were kind of bummed that he got them shirts, but they say "Princess" on them (the name of the cruise line) and they were sparkly.. they came around but weren't shy to voice the fact that they would have loved a toy.

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We got to Bonneville's game, and got some good seats for Lynn's little halftime performance.

She did great. She was so into it this time!

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Then it was off to home, for a late dinner, and bed.

I hope his day gets better.

He was looking forward to sleeping in for a little bit, but was woken by a phone call, from the hotel at 7 am..

The power was out in the office and was slowly creeping elsewhere.

It went out here too for a while.

That is always a pain to deal with down there, let alone your first day back in nearly two weeks..

And then there is the ongoing saga of "the house".. hope to fill in when all details are a little bit clearer. Sift through the truth and the crap.

It is so good to have him back.

It was the best part of the day..

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